6 Habits Essential To Your Success As An Innkeeper

6 Habits Essential To Your Success As An Innkeeper

Bestselling author, speaker, and performance coach, Brendon Burchard, wrote about six high-performance habits. High-performance habits happen because of what you deliberately think and do on a routine basis in order to excel and serve at higher levels. Burchard also asks questions to get us to think more deeply about implementing each performance habit. We examine the six essential habits and ask B&B questions related to improving your success as an innkeeper.

Seek Clarity

Seek clarity on who you want to be, how you want to interact with others, and what will bring you the greatest meaning. Get very clear on what you want and how to go get it. Develop a habit of asking questions, looking within, and observing your behaviors to assess whether you are on track. Consistently think about who you want to be and how to become that. List future projects that will lead you to a bigger dream. Have a vision for yourself for the future.

  • 3 words that describe my best self are…
  • 3 words that could define how I want to treat people are…
  • 5 skills I’m trying to develop most in my life are…
  • 3 simple ways I can add value to those around me this week are…
  • Something that I can do or create that will bring more meaning in life is…

Bed and Breakfast Questions:

  • What is (or should) my bed and breakfast become known for? (includingyour B&B reputation for hospitality)
  • How can I add more value to what I offer my B&B guests? (a little thing can make a big difference)
  • What future project would fulfill my bigger B&B dream? (your specific high-performance goals for the future)

Generate Energy

Generate energy so that you can maintain focus, effort, and well-being. Be better rested, eat healthier, and exercise more to have enough energy to do what you need to do. The goal of meditation is to release both physical and mental tension. You’re in charge of how you feel. Consciously direct your thoughts and behaviors to generate positive emotion. Start doing what you already know you should be doing to optimize your health.

  • A way I could remind myself to release that tension throughout the day is…
  • If I felt more energy each day, I would be more likely to…
  • 3 questions I could ask myself every morning to prompt positive emotions for the rest of the day could be…
  • A new routine I could begin for replaying the positive emotions of my days is…
  • A weekly schedule that I could use to get healthier and actually stick to would be…


Bed and Breakfast Questions:

  • What habits will allow me to take better care of my physical self? (consider have an accountability partner)
  • How can I constructively release any innkeeping tensions? (without attracting any negative attention)
  • What habits would allow me to experience more positive emotions throughout the day? (consider how thoughts and feelings affect each other)

Raise The Necessity

Raise the necessity for exceptional performance. Necessity demands you take action. High-performance innkeepers care more about excellence and thus put more effort into their activities than other innkeepers do. High performers’ sense of duty to a higher vision, mission, or calling propels them through the hardships of achievement. High performance only happens when there are real deadlines. Affirming the why gives you added motivation. High performers spend more time with positive people than with negative people.

  • The values that are important for me to live include…
  • The people who need me to be on my A-game at this point in my life are…
  • 3 things I’d like to become extraordinary at doing are…
  • Some ways I can remind myself about these important goals and whys are…
  • To add to the number of high performers in my network, I should…

Bed and Breakfast Questions:

  • What goals (with deadlines) should I set to improve my innkeeping business? (goals with dates are more likely to be achieve
  • What is my higher mission or calling as a hospitality provider? (what keeps you going)
  • Who are positive people in my life that I should spend more time with? (while spending less time with negative people)

Increase Productivity

Increase productivity in your primary field of interest. Focus and create the outputs that matter most. Find your best allocation of time and stick to it the best you can. Becoming known for high-performance requires thinking more before acting. For every major goal, you have, figure out the main five moves. There’s nothing in your life that you can’t improve through practicing progressive mastery.

  • The outputs that matter most to my career are…
  • The biggest goal or dream that I need to plan out right now is…
  • 5 moves that would help me progress swiftly toward accomplishing that dream are…
  • The timeline for each of my five moves will be…
  • 3 skills I could develop that would help me feel more confident or capable are…

Bed and Breakfast Questions:

  • What are the 5 main moves for my most important B&B goal? (to increase your productivity)
  • What skills could I practice to achieve progressive mastery? (which enhances your abilities)
  • How can I feel more confident and capable as an innkeeper? (which improves my performance)

Develop Influence

Develop influence with those around you. Have the people skills it takes to get others to believe in you or support you. People only like to work with leaders who make them think bigger and grow more. If you believe that your peers view you as a successful, high-performance person, naturally you believe yourself to be more influential. Great leaders ask lots of questions. To gain influence with others, teach them how to think about themselves, others, and the world; challenge them to develop their character, connections, and contributions; and role model the values you wish to see them embody.

  • Someone in my life I’d like to influence more is…
  • The way I would like to influence them is…
  • What would inspire this person to treat people better is…
  • If I were going to become an even better role model, the first things I would start doing are…
  • 10 years from now, if the 5 people closest to me were to describe me as a role model, I hope they would say…

Bed and Breakfast Questions:

  • How can I help those around me? (to increase your positive influence)
  • What activities am I naturally good at? (which you can teach others)
  • What values are important to me? (that will grow your hospitality business even more)

Demonstrate Courage

Demonstrate courage by expressing your ideas, taking bold action, and standing up for yourself and others, even in the face of fear, uncertainty, threat, or changing conditions. Take risks and speak up for yourself and others. Define what being more courageous means to you, and start living that way. You are capable of remarkable high-performance abilities that you will never discover without taking action. Struggles must be seen as part of the process and a vitally important part of any worthwhile endeavor.

  • The way I choose to greet life’s inevitable hardships from today forward is…
  • If I were going to be more “me” in my everyday life, I would start to…
  • A courageous action I will take this week because someone I love needs me to take it is…
  • What could I do in my work that would require stepping out on a limb but would also truly change things for the better and help people?
  • What good thing could I walk away from to advance my life?

Bed and Breakfast Questions:

  • What is a smart risk for me to take? (that requires courage and can lead to more rewards)
  • How can I stand up for my employees? (that can increase their loyalty)
  • What should I walk away from? (to improve your outcomes)

High-Performance Habits

This is a very motivational book. The 6 habits are to seek clarity, generate energy, raise the necessity, increase productivity, develop influence, and develop courage. How could you apply these 6 high-performance habits to your life as an innkeeper?

B&B Consulting

Contact B&B Consulting if you are thinking about buying or selling a bed and breakfast inn located in North Carolina or Georgia. Rob Sales has experience both as a B&B owner and innkeeper and as a licensed B&B real estate agent.