Bed and Breakfast Holidays: The Perfect Accommodations for Out-of-Town Guests, Small Gatherings, & Much More

Bed and Breakfast Holidays: The Perfect Accommodations for Out-of-Town Guests, Small Gatherings, & Much More

Bed and breakfast holidays are a wonderful solution during the busiest times of the year. We’ll look at reasons why this is the ideal option for guests. We’ll end with a message for B&B innkeepers.

For Out-of-Town Holiday Guests

If you’re hosting more guests than your home has room to provide overnight accommodations, your local B&B may be just the place for them to stay. Bed and breakfast inns are more personal than large hotels.

Moreover, the accommodations can still be luxurious and the complimentary gourmet breakfasts mean you won’t have as many people to cook for (or dishes to clean). Conversely, your out-of-town guests do not feel awkward (asking for bath towels) or uncomfortable (sleeping on your couch, an air mattress, or even on the floor in a sleeping bag).

For Smaller Holiday Gatherings

Looking for a vacation getaway during the holidays? Whether it’s a group of 2, of 4, or more people, bed and breakfast inns often host guests during the holidays. Be sure to book ahead to reserve your room(s).

Many restaurants stay open during the holidays to accommodate people who prefer to spend quality time with loved ones (rather than working in the kitchen). Guests can see a list of local dining options during the holidays. Some inns offer special holiday meals they can sign up for in advance.

For a Central Meeting Place

Today, it is common for people to have loved ones located in several different states. By choosing one central meeting place, this makes it more easy to spend time together during the holidays.

For example, if relatives are in Maryland and Virginia as well as South Carolina and Georgia, then booking a North Carolina bed and breakfast holiday stay, in the Smokies, may make the most sense for everyone. Moreover, the burden is not on only one household to host that many guests.

Featured Select Registry Member Bed and Breakfasts:

For a True Holiday Vacation

There’s something to be said for guests not having to do it all themselves. Being able to relax during the holidays means you can experience a true holiday vacation. No matter what your personal situation is during the holidays, consider staying at a bed and breakfast inn.

You can be more focused on the people you love rather than if your own place is perfectly clean for guests. Caring about your loved ones (rather than hoping your own place makes the right impression on people). Celebrate the holidays!

For Bed & Breakfast Innkeepers

By hosting bed and breakfast holidays, you are truly being of service to those looking to get away. Innkeepers benefit from being able to set their own hours. Perhaps you can reserve your own special vacation time during your slow season.

If you are hosting guests during the holidays, share content (your website, blog, email, & social media) to promote your bed and breakfast holidays if you’re open to hosting guests. Include your hours, events, open local restaurants, and all other holiday specific information.

B&B Consulting wishes you, yours, and your guests, a special holiday season.